PFAN raising parents’ voices
We hope you are safe and well at this difficult time.
Coronavirus and social distancing are putting stress on families and communities, and are tough on parents with child welfare involvement. PFAN is dedicated to building the power of parents affected by the child protection system.
We need your help to make PFAN the best source of help and information on humane child protection post coronavirus:
Parents and family members
If coronavirus is impacting on you, PFAN wants to hear from you. Please complete this brief survey so that we can learn from you about difficulties you face and what has helped.
Information, tips and guidance on child protection during the coronavirus crisis
PFAN is also collecting information on national and international responses to coronavirus as they affect parents, families and children involved in the child protection system. Please share you tips, good practices, guidance and information with us using the form here.
If you have examples of good practice or important information to share please send us details
Please circulate this request around your contacts
Sadly PFAN is not able to work on individual cases. We have some ideas for possible support here.
Browse or Search our Coronavirus pages
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Remote Hearings
Covid and CP Conferences
The Government’s response to COVID-19: Impact on human rights
- The Parents, Families and Allies Network (PFAN) is a new UK wide group aiming to promote natural justice and procedural fairness in children’s social care including the right of ... Read More