Coronavirus and social distancing are putting stress on families and communities, and are tough on parents with child welfare involvement. PFAN is dedicated to building the power of parents affected by the child protection system.
We need your help to make PFAN the best source of advocacy, help and information on humane child protection post coronavirus:
Please share your experience with PFAN.
Please complete this brief survey so that we can learn from you about difficulties you face and what has helped.
The responses will help us to support our community, uplift parents’ voices, and advocate for parents’ needs with children’s social care leadership.
No information identifying you will be published without your specific consent. PFAN will publish findings on its website and quote specific responses in our advocacy work without identifying individuals.
We are also gathering your responses to the coronavirus crisis so that we can add to the information available on the PFAN website.
You can contribute to this by following the link below.
Please note that PFAN is not able to work on individual cases. We have some ideas for possible support here.