Children’s Social Care: The Way Forward
Join us for our webinar on The Way Forward at 11 am on 14th March (book here)
PFAN’s new report The Way Forward is available on our website.
It sets out recommendations for major changes needed to make children’s social care more humane and family friendly.
In the webinar we will present the report and meet in small groups to decide the action we can take to get our recommendations implemented.
Recommendations to transform children’s social care
- Promote participation through parent advocacy
- Reduce entry to care and adoption
- Replace Working Together with family friendly guidance
- Improve legal representation in family courts
- Increase help for children in need
- Change the culture of child rescue
- Provide support for families during care proceedings
- Meet the needs of disabled children
- Co-produce services, promote partnership and establish help for children and families
Taking Action
We presented the report to Josh Macalister and members of the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care (see our presentation). The report has been sent to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Children and we hope to present it to the group.
The Way Forward in the news
Taliah Drayak was interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire on BBC News. We caused a stir in social work with an article in Professional Social Work the British Association of Social Work’s magazine and another in Community Care and we are also writing a blog for Research in Practice.
The Way Forward was produced by PFAN with Love Barrow Families, New Beginnings, Parent and Carer Alliance, Southwark Family Council and Southwark Parent to Parent Peer Advocacy (learn more about these partners here).
Help to Promote Parent Advocacy
There isn’t enough parent advocacy. We hold monthly meetings to promote it where parents and allies present what is happening in their area.
See Karman and Tim’s brilliant presentation
Join us to promote parent advocacy in children’s social care, health or education in your area. Contact Tammy on
If you’d like to become involved in PFAN get in touch by emailing Nicki on
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