The articles and books below show why we need to end child protection as we know it and some provide a vision of what might replace it.
Evidence to Education Committee’s Inquiry into Children’s Social Care
PFAN produced evidence to the above inquiry in 2024. We were concerned that the new government strategy would increase the risk-averse culture which has been responsible for increases of the number of investigations rising by 152% since 2010 and the ...
PFAN Webinar
Andy Bilson's presentation for the PFAN Wales webinar ...
International Review
Promoting parent and child participation is central to achieving children’s rights. This review of the literature and program documentation, prepared by David Tobis, Andy Bilson and Isuree Katugampala for the Better Care Network and IPAN, presents evidence on the role ...
Child removal as the gateway to further adversity
An important article by Karen Broadhurst and Claire Mason showing the impact on mothers of losing a child to care/adoption. The article will soon be made open access through the link above. This article lets you hear mothers voices and ...
Casey Foundation review
How do parent partner programs instil hope and support prevention and reunification? This briefing from Casey Foundation gives a briefing on Parent Partners (also known as parent advocacy) and answers the question posed in its title ...
Adoption trends
"The government’s adoption drive isn’t achieving its aims" This Community Care article by Andy Bilson shows how many under 18 year-olds have been adopted or placed in special guardianship in England with these numbers now exceeding the number of children ...
Child Protection: Listening to and learning from parents
This article by Maggie Mellon says: Research points to parents' experiences of child protection investigations and associated processes as often being unpleasant and disrespectful Learning from parents' experiences needs to be incorporated into everyday work if practice is to be ...
From Pariahs to Partners
How parents and their allies changed New York City's child welfare system David Tobis Story of how parents played a transformative role in changing the New York City child welfare system, relayed by a central figure in that change process: ...
Why we need a network
Parents Families and Allies Network has been started by a small group of people who are concerned at the growing oppression of children and families carried out, often with the best of intentions, in the name of child protection. We ...