The child protection system is frightening and very hard to understand. Here are some links to advocacy and support and advice for people fighting the child protection system.
Advocacy and support
Availability of advocacy varies depending on where you live and your circumstances. Coming soon a database of advocacy and help you can find in local areas.
The Family Rights Group have a lots of help including discussion boards, parent advocacy telephone line, advice sheets and much more. There is also specific help for young parents.
Advice from parents
Scots mum’s guide to safeguarding is a mother with first hand experience of successfully fighting the system. She gives practical advice on being involved in child protection system & on the Scottish system.
Parent advocacy and support in specific areas of child protection
Visiting Children in Care
This video from Rise Magazine gives tips from parents about coping with visits to your child in care More tips ...
Child Protection Law
Here are some places where you can find advice or information on the law Child Law Advice is operated by ...