These pages provide information on promising practices and alternatives to child protection as we know it.
Income Guarantee
GIVE KIDS AGING OUT OF THE FOSTER CARE SYSTEM MONEY TO SURVIVE One of America’s most populous counties is piloting ...
International Review
Promoting parent and child participation is central to achieving children’s rights. This review of the literature and program documentation, prepared ...
Parent Advocacy
Parent advocacy in child protection is where parents with child welfare experience work with other parents to provide advocacy in ...
Social Development
In this video Andy Bilson talks about how social development offers a different paradigm for social work in child protection ...
BBC: From Cradle to Care
Over the past decade, the number of newborns being taken into care has more than doubled. In some cases, this ...
Empowering parents
This video shows how empowering parents can change their lives When a family falls into crisis -- and it sometimes ...
Rethinking foster care
In this one brilliant 11-minute video, the Director of the Baltimore City Department of Social Services tells you why we ...