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Find Help

The map shows places you can find help if you’re involved with Children’s Services. This map is being developed

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PFAN is happy to present a scoping mapping of advocacy and support services for parents and families involved with children services in the UK! All you need to do is to click on the area you are interested to find help in.

This interactive map is the product of a mapping undertaken by parents and allies. Our aim is to develop a resource for parents and professionals that seek for help, advice, and advocacy in relation to families involvement with children services. The mapping includes all kinds of advocacy services that may be relevant for parents. However, we categorized the services according to their focus and highlighted services that focus solely on child protection advocacy.

All the data on the map was retrieved from open access websites. Our intention is to make the resources accessible, but this is not an evaluation or recommendation on services. Accordingly, PFAN is not responsible for the quality or nature of the help provided by the services.

This will be a dynamic database that will evolve constantly with the help of the PFAN community. So… if you can refer us to relevant organizations or if you want to comment on the services that are currently in the map – Please contact us!!!!